The Trekker Tent 1V is a great one person backpacking tent. We took some of our favorite features of our other Trekker Tents and combined them into one fully featured backpacking tent.
The Trekker Tent 1V features a vestibule, a must have for storing bags and other items, side vents similar to our Trekker Tent 2.2, and a large interior, almost big enough for two people. We also worked hard to keep the tent affordable and lightweight, and we think we succeeded. At only 2lb 8oz with stakes The Trekker Tent 1V comes at an affordable price when you consider the features, size and weight.
We are excited about the vestibule and side vents as they allow for more air flow and reduce condensation inside the tent, a problem most tents suffer from. Inside, the tent the side walls are 2-layer, meaning most condensation will run down the wall and outside the tent. The vestibule can be left open for increased ventilation, or closed to protect you and your bags from rain.
Finally the internal dimensions are 7′ long, 48” wide, and 42” tall in the front and 32” in the back. Seven feet of leg room and 48 inches of side to side space give you plenty of room to roll over in your sleep.
Thru hiking AT in March2020 Love the weight and price but scared of issues on outdoor gear review Does tent still leak? JC